Welcome to Office Administration

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to Office Administration!  In this course, students develop office skills and word processing skills using Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access).  We also learn skills for career, personal, and professional development.  Our overall goal is for students to have the technical and social skills needed to function successfully in a professional environment. 

All students are responsible for arriving to class on time and promptly beginning daily assignments.  Likewise, students are required to observe all school and classroom rules and procedures.  Our classroom rule is to practice good citizenship. In order to do this, students are to be patient; to be kind; to treat others, as they want to be treated; to work wholeheartedly, and to be respectful of me, of each other and of our classroom.  

Grades are determined according to the following course components:

·         Class work/Homework
·         Projects
·         Quizzes
·         Tests 

For supplies, students need pens and pencils.  Students are also expected to join Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), the organization for students enrolled in business and information technology classes.  The Virginia Department of Education considers membership in FBLA to be an important part in developing your child’s employability skills.  Membership dues are $12.

In closing, please feel free to contact me.  I am available before and after school.  You may call the school at 804-541-6402, and I welcome you to email me anytime at [email protected]. If you desire a conference, please call ahead of time, and I will be happy to schedule a meeting.